- http://searchdatabackup.techtarget.com/tip/Data-backup-types-explained-Full-incremental-differential-and-incremental-forever-backup
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4959130/plone-4-data-is-stored-on-the-file-system-rather-than-in-the-database
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/451952/what-is-the-correct-way-to-backup-zodb-blobs/2664479#2664479
- http://plone.org/products/collective.recipe.backup
- collective.recipe.backup
- collective.recipe.backup doc., at Github
- Backup and recover Data.fs in linux
- Backup Plone
- Differences between Incremental and full backup
Read text for Collective.recipe.backup:
Example usage
Some needed imports:
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> import os
>>> import sys
>>> import time
Just to isolate some test differences, we run an empty buildout once::
>>> ignore = system(buildout)
The simplest way to use it is to add a part in ``buildout.cfg`` like this::
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... """)
Running the buildout adds a backup, snapshotbackup, restore and
snapshotrestore scripts to the ``bin/`` directory and, by default, it
creates the ``var/backups`` and ``var/snapshotbackups`` dirs::
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
>>> ls('var')
d backups
d snapshotbackups
>>> ls('bin')
- backup
- buildout
- fullbackup
- restore
- snapshotbackup
- snapshotrestore
Calling ``bin/backup`` results in a normal repozo backup. We put in place a
mock repozo script that prints the options it is passed (and make it
executable). It is horridly unix-specific at the moment.
>>> write('bin', 'repozo',
... "#!%s\nimport sys\nprint ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])" % sys.executable)
>>> dontcare = system('chmod u+x bin/repozo')
By default, backups are done in ``var/backups``::
>>> print system('bin/backup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups
Full backups are placed there too::
>>> print system('bin/fullbackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups
You can restore the very latest backup with ``bin/restore``::
>>> print system('bin/restore', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups
This will replace the filestorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
You can restore the very latest snapshotbackup with ``bin/snapshotrestore``::
>>> print system('bin/snapshotrestore', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
This will replace the filestorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
You can also restore the backup as of a certain date. Just pass a date
argument. According to repozo: specify UTC (not local) time. The format is
>>> print system('bin/restore 1972-12-25', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups -D 1972-12-25
This will replace the filestorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Date restriction: restoring state at 1972-12-25.
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
Note that restoring a blobstorage to a specific date only works since
release 2.3. We will test that a bit further on.
For quickly grabbing the current state of a production database so you can
download it to your development laptop, you want a full backup. But
you shouldn't interfere with the regular backup regime. Likewise, a quick
backup just before updating the production server is a good idea. For that,
the ``bin/snapshotbackup`` is great. It places a full backup in, by default,
>>> print system('bin/snapshotbackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
Names of created scripts
A backup part will normally be called ``[backup]``, leading to a
``bin/backup`` and ``bin/snapshotbackup``. Should you name your part
something else, the script names will also be different as will the created
``var/`` directories (since version 1.2):
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = plonebackup
... [plonebackup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Installing plonebackup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/plonebackups
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/plonebackup-snapshots
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/plonebackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/plonebackup-full'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/plonebackup-snapshot'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/plonebackup-restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/plonebackup-snapshotrestore'.
Note that the ``restore``, ``snapshotbackup`` and ``snapshotrestore`` script name used when the
name is ``[backup]`` is now prefixed with the part name:
>>> ls('bin')
- buildout
- plonebackup
- plonebackup-full
- plonebackup-restore
- plonebackup-snapshot
- plonebackup-snapshotrestore
- repozo
In the var/ directory, the existing backups and snapshotbackups directories
are still present. The recipe of course never removes that kind of directory!
The different part name *did* result in two directories named after the part:
>>> ls('var')
d backups
d plonebackup-snapshots
d plonebackups
d snapshotbackups
For the rest of the tests we use the ``[backup]`` name again. And we clean up
the ``var/plonebackups`` and ``var/plonebackup-snaphots`` dirs:
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... """)
>>> dont_care = system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
>>> rmdir('var/plonebackups')
>>> rmdir('var/plonebackup-snapshots')
Supported options
The recipe supports the following options, none of which are needed by
default. The most common one to change is ``location``, as that allows you to
place your backups in some system-wide directory like
Location where backups are stored. Defaults to ``var/backups`` inside the
buildout directory.
Number of full backups to keep. Defaults to ``2``, which means that the
current and the previous full backup are kept. Older backups are removed,
including their incremental backups. Set it to ``0`` to keep all backups.
In case the ``Data.fs`` isn't in the default ``var/filestorage/Data.fs``
location, this option can overwrite it.
By default, incremental backups are made. If this option is set to 'true',
bin/backup will always make a full backup.
In rare cases when you want to know exactly what's going on, set debug to
'true' to get debug level logging of the recipe itself. Repozo is also run
with ``--verbose`` if this option is enabled.
Location where snapshot defaults are stored. Defaults to
``var/snapshotbackups`` inside the buildout directory.
Use repozo's zipping functionality. 'true' by default. Set it to 'false'
and repozo will notgzip its files. Note that gzipped databases are called
``*.fsz``, not ``*.fs.gz``. **Changed in 0.8**: the default used to be
false, but it so totally makes sense to gzip your backups that we changed
the default.
Advanced option, only needed when you have split for instance a
``catalog.fs`` out of the regular ``Data.fs``. Use it to specify the extra
filestorages. (See explanation further on).
Having a snapshotrestore script is very useful in development
environments, but can be harmful in a production buildout. The
script restores the latest snapshot directly to your filestorage
and it used to do this without asking any questions whatsoever
(this has been changed to require an explicit 'yes' as answer).
If you don't want a snapshotrestore, set this option to false.
Location of the directory where the blobs (binary large objects)
are stored. This is used in Plone 4 and higher, or on Plone 3 if
you use plone.app.blob. This option is ignored if backup_blobs is
false. The location is not set by default. When there is a part
using plone.recipe.zope2instance, we check if that has a
blob-storage option and use that as default.
Alternative spelling for the preferred blob_storage, as
plone.recipe.zope2instance spells it as blob-storage. Pick one.
Backup the blob storage. This requires the blob_storage location
to be set. If no blob_storage location has been set and we cannot
find one by looking in a plone.recipe.zope2instance part, we
default to False, otherwise to True.
Directory where the blob storage will be backed up to. Defaults
to ``var/blobstoragebackups`` inside the buildout directory.
Directory where the blob storage snapshots will be created.
Defaults to ``var/blobstoragesnapshots`` inside the buildout
Only backup blob storage, not the Data.fs. False by default. May
be a useful option if for example you want to create one
bin/filestoragebackup script and one bin/blobstoragebackup script,
using only_blobs in one and backup_blobs in the other.
Use rsync with hard links for backing up the blobs. Default is
true. rsync is probably not available on all machines though, and
I guess hard links will not work on Windows. When you set this to
false, we fall back to a simple copy (``shutil.copytree`` from
python in fact).
We'll use all options, except the blob options for now::
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... location = ${buildout:directory}/myproject
... keep = 2
... datafs = subfolder/myproject.fs
... full = true
... debug = true
... snapshotlocation = snap/my
... gzip = false
... enable_snapshotrestore = true
... pre_command = echo 'Can I have a backup?'
... post_command =
... echo 'Thanks a lot for the backup.'
... echo 'We are done.'
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/myproject
backup: Created /sample-buildout/snap/my
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
Backups are now stored in the ``/myproject`` folder inside buildout
and the Data.fs location is handled correctly despite not being an
absolute path. Note that the order in which the lines show up here in
the tests may be different from how they appear in reality. This is
because several things conspire in the tests to mess up stdout and
stderr. Anyway::
>>> output = system('bin/backup')
>>> print output
--backup -f /sample-buildout/subfolder/myproject.fs -r /sample-buildout/myproject -F --verbose
Can I have a backup?
Thanks a lot for the backup.
We are done.
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/subfolder/myproject.fs to /sample-buildout/myproject
We explicitly look for errors here::
>>> if 'ERROR' in output: print output
The same is true for the snapshot backup.
>>> output = system('bin/snapshotbackup')
>>> print output
--backup -f /sample-buildout/subfolder/myproject.fs -r /sample-buildout/snap/my -F --verbose
Can I have a backup?
Thanks a lot for the backup.
We are done.
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/subfolder/myproject.fs to /sample-buildout/snap/my
>>> if 'ERROR' in output: print output
Untested in this file, as it would create directories in your root or your
home dir, are absolute links (starting with a '/') or directories in your home
dir or relative (``../``) path. They do work, of course. Also ``~`` and
``$BACKUP``-style environment variables are expanded.
Cron job integration
``bin/backup`` is of course ideal to put in your cronjob instead of a whole
``bin/repozo ....`` line. But you don't want the "INFO" level logging that you
get, as you'll get that in your mailbox. In your cronjob, just add ``-q`` or
``--quiet`` and ``bin/backup`` will shut up unless there's a problem.
In the tests, we do get messages unfortunately, though at least the
INFO level logging is not there::
>>> print system('bin/backup -q')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/subfolder/myproject.fs -r /sample-buildout/myproject -F --verbose
Can I have a backup?
Thanks a lot for the backup.
We are done.
>>> print system('bin/backup --quiet')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/subfolder/myproject.fs -r /sample-buildout/myproject -F --verbose
Can I have a backup?
Thanks a lot for the backup.
We are done.
In our case the ``--backup ...`` lines above are just the mock repozo script
that still prints something. So it proves that the command is executed, but it
won't end up in the output.
Speaking of cron jobs? Take a look at `zc.recipe.usercrontab
<http://pypi.python.org/pypi/z3c.recipe.usercrontab>`_ if you want to handle
cronjobs from within your buildout. For example::
recipe = z3c.recipe.usercrontab
times = 0 12 * * *
command = ${buildout:directory}/bin/backup
Advanced usage: multiple Data.fs files
Sometimes, a Data.fs is split into several files. Most common reason is to
have a regular Data.fs and a catalog.fs which contains the
portal_catalog. This is supported with the ``additional_filestorages``
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... additional_filestorages =
... catalog
... another
... foo/bar
... """)
The additional backups have to be stored separate from the ``Data.fs``
backup. That's done by appending the file's name and creating extra backup
directories named that way::
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups_catalog
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_catalog
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups_another
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_another
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo/bar
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo/bar
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
>>> ls('var')
d backups
d backups_another
d backups_catalog
d backups_foo
d snapshotbackups
d snapshotbackups_another
d snapshotbackups_catalog
d snapshotbackups_foo
The various backups are done one after the other. They cannot be done at the
same time with repozo. So they are not completely in sync. The "other"
databases are backed up first as a small difference in the catalog is just
mildly irritating, but the other way around users can get real errors::
>>> print system('bin/backup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_catalog --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_another --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo/bar --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_catalog
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_another
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo/bar
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups
Same with snapshot backups::
>>> print system('bin/snapshotbackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_catalog -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_another -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo/bar -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_catalog
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_another
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo/bar
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
And a restore restores all three backups::
>>> print system('bin/restore', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_catalog
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_another
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo/bar
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups
This will replace the filestorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_catalog to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_another to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo/bar to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
We fake three old backups in all the (snapshot)backup directories to
test if the 'keep' parameter is working correctly.
>>> next_mod_time = time.time() - 1000
>>> def add_backup(dir, name): # same as in the tests in repozorunner.py
... global next_mod_time
... write(dir, name, 'sample fs')
... # Change modification time, every new file is 10 seconds older.
... os.utime(join(dir, name), (next_mod_time, next_mod_time))
... next_mod_time += 10
>>> dirs = ('var/backups', 'var/snapshotbackups')
>>> for tail in ('', '_catalog', '_another', '_foo/bar'):
... for dir in dirs:
... dir = dir + tail
... for i in reversed(range(3)):
... add_backup(dir, '%d.fs' % i)
>>> ls('var/backups') # Before
- 0.fs
- 1.fs
- 2.fs
>>> print system('bin/backup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_catalog --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_another --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo/bar --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_catalog
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_another
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo/bar
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
>>> ls('var/backups') # After
- 0.fs
- 1.fs
Same for the snapshot backups:
>>> print system('bin/snapshotbackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_catalog -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_another -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo/bar -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_catalog
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_another
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo/bar
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
Test disabling the snapshotrestore script. We generate a new buildout
with enable_snapshotrestore set to false. The script should not be
generated now (and buildout will actually remove the previously
generated script).
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... enable_snapshotrestore = false
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Installing backup.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
>>> ls('bin')
- backup
- buildout
- fullbackup
- repozo
- restore
- snapshotbackup
Blob storage
New in this recipe is that we backup the blob storage. Plone 4 uses a
blob storage to store files on the file system. In Plone 3 this is
optional. When this is used, it should be backed up of course. You
must specify the source blob_storage directory where Plone (or Zope)
stores its blobs. When we do not set it specifically, we try to get
the location from the plone.recipe.zope2instance recipe (or a
zeoserver recipe) when it is used::
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... # For some reason this is now needed:
... index = http://b.pypi.python.org/simple
... # Avoid suddenly updating zc.buildout or other packages:
... newest = false
... parts = instance backup
... versions = versions
... [versions]
... # A slightly older version that does not rely on the Zope2 egg
... plone.recipe.zope2instance = 3.9
... mailinglogger = 3.3
... [instance]
... recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
... user = admin:admin
... blob-storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/somewhere
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... """)
We need a mock mkzopeinstance script in the bin directory for the
zope2instance recipe to work:
>>> write('bin/mkzopeinstance', """
... import sys
... import os
... path = sys.argv[2]
... os.mkdir(path)
... os.mkdir(os.path.join(path, 'etc'))
... """)
We run the buildout (and set a timeout as we need a few new packages
and apparently a few servers are currently down so a timeout helps
speed things up a bit):
>>> print system('bin/buildout -t 5') # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Setting socket time out to 5 seconds
Getting distribution for 'plone.recipe.zope2instance==3.9'...
Got plone.recipe.zope2instance 3.9.
Getting distribution for 'mailinglogger==3.3'...
Got mailinglogger 3.3.0.
Uninstalling backup.
Installing instance.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/instance'.
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
>>> ls('bin')
- backup
- buildout
- fullbackup
- instance
- mkzopeinstance
- repozo
- restore
- snapshotbackup
- snapshotrestore
We can override the additional_filestorages location:
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... additional_filestorages =
... catalog ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage/2.fs
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Uninstalling instance.
Installing backup.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
We can override the additional_filestorages blob source location:
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... backup_blobs = True
... additional_filestorages =
... withblob ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage/2.fs ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage2
... withoutblob ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage/3.fs
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups_withblob
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_withblob
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups_withoutblob
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_withoutblob
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_withblob
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_withblob
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
Wrong configurations for additional_filestorages:
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... additional_filestorages =
... wrong ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage foo.fs ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage_foo
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Installing backup.
Installing backup.
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groupdict'
Full cycle tests:
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
... keep = 3
... additional_filestorages =
... foo ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage/foo.fs ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage-foo
... bar ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage/bar.fs ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage-bar
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
>>> ls('bin')
- backup
- buildout
- fullbackup
- instance
- mkzopeinstance
- repozo
- restore
- snapshotbackup
- snapshotrestore
>>> mkdir('var/blobstorage')
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage', 'blob1.txt', "Sample blob 1.")
>>> mkdir('var/blobstorage-foo')
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage-foo', 'blob-foo1.txt', "Sample blob foo 1.")
>>> mkdir('var/blobstorage-bar')
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage-bar', 'blob-bar1.txt', "Sample blob bar 1.")
Test the snapshotbackup first, as that should be easiest.
>>> print system('bin/snapshotbackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar/blobstorage-bar.0
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots')
d blobstorage.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0')
d blobstorage
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo')
d blobstorage-foo.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0')
d blobstorage-foo
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar')
d blobstorage-bar.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar/blobstorage-bar.0')
d blobstorage-bar
Let's try that some more, with a second in between so we can more
easily test restoring to a specific time later.
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage', 'blob2.txt', "Sample blob 2.")
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage-foo', 'blob-foo2.txt', "Sample blob foo 2.")
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage-bar', 'blob-bar2.txt', "Sample blob bar 2.")
>>> print system('bin/snapshotbackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-foo.0 to blobstorage-foo.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage-foo.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-bar.0 to blobstorage-bar.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage-bar.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar/blobstorage-bar.0
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots')
d blobstorage.0
d blobstorage.1
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
- blob2.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.1/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
>>> cat('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage/blob1.txt')
Sample blob 1.
>>> cat('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage/blob2.txt')
Sample blob 2.
>>> cat('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.1/blobstorage/blob1.txt')
Sample blob 1.
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo')
d blobstorage-foo.0
d blobstorage-foo.1
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo')
- blob-foo1.txt
- blob-foo2.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.1/blobstorage-foo')
- blob-foo1.txt
>>> cat('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo/blob-foo1.txt')
Sample blob foo 1.
>>> cat('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo/blob-foo2.txt')
Sample blob foo 2.
>>> cat('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.1/blobstorage-foo/blob-foo1.txt')
Sample blob foo 1.
Now remove an item:
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> remove('var', 'blobstorage', 'blob2.txt')
>>> remove('var', 'blobstorage-foo', 'blob-foo1.txt')
>>> remove('var', 'blobstorage-bar', 'blob-bar1.txt')
>>> print system('bin/snapshotbackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-foo.1 to blobstorage-foo.2.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-foo.0 to blobstorage-foo.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage-foo.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-bar.1 to blobstorage-bar.2.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-bar.0 to blobstorage-bar.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage-bar.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar/blobstorage-bar.0
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.1 to blobstorage.2.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots')
d blobstorage.0
d blobstorage.1
d blobstorage.2
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.1/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
- blob2.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.2/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo')
d blobstorage-foo.0
d blobstorage-foo.1
d blobstorage-foo.2
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo')
- blob-foo2.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.1/blobstorage-foo')
- blob-foo1.txt
- blob-foo2.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.2/blobstorage-foo')
- blob-foo1.txt
Let's see how a bin/backup goes:
>>> print system('bin/backup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.0
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar/blobstorage-bar.0
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups')
d blobstorage.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0')
d blobstorage
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups_foo')
d blobstorage-foo.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.0')
d blobstorage-foo
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo')
- blob-foo2.txt
We try again with an extra 'blob':
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage', 'blob2.txt', "Sample blob 2.")
>>> print system('bin/backup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-foo.0 to blobstorage-foo.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage-foo.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.0
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-bar.0 to blobstorage-bar.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage-bar.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar/blobstorage-bar.0
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups')
d blobstorage.0
d blobstorage.1
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
- blob2.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.1/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
Let's check the inodes of two files, to see if they are the same. Not
sure if this works on all operating systems.
>>> stat_0 = os.stat('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage/blob1.txt')
>>> stat_1 = os.stat('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.1/blobstorage/blob1.txt')
>>> stat_0.st_ino == stat_1.st_ino
We could to things differently for the snapshot blob backups, as they
should be full copies, but using hard links they also really are full
copies, so also in this case the inodes can be the same::
>>> stat_0 = os.stat('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage/blob1.txt')
>>> stat_1 = os.stat('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.1/blobstorage/blob1.txt')
>>> stat_0.st_ino == stat_1.st_ino
Now try a restore::
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> print system('bin/restore', input='no\n')
This will replace the filestorage:
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Not restoring.
>>> print system('bin/restore', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups
This will replace the filestorage:
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar/blobstorage-bar.0/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var
>>> ls('var/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
- blob2.txt
With the ``no-prompt`` option we avoid the question::
>>> print system('bin/restore --no-prompt')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar/blobstorage-bar.0/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var
>>> ls('var/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
- blob2.txt
Since release 2.3 we can also restore blobs to a specific date/time.
>>> mod_time_0 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0')
>>> mod_time_1 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.1')
>>> mod_time_0 > mod_time_1
>>> time_string = '-'.join([str(t) for t in datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mod_time_1).timetuple()[:6]])
>>> mod_time_0 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragebackups_bar/blobstorage-bar.0')
>>> mod_time_1 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragebackups_bar/blobstorage-bar.1')
>>> mod_time_0 > mod_time_1
>>> mod_time_0 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.0')
>>> mod_time_1 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.1')
>>> mod_time_0 > mod_time_1
>>> print system('bin/restore %s' % time_string, input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo -D ...
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar -D ...
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups -D ...
This will replace the filestorage:
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Date restriction: restoring state at ...
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.1/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar/blobstorage-bar.1/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.1/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var
The second blob file is now no longer in the blob storage.
>>> ls('var/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
The snapshotrestore works too::
>>> print system('bin/snapshotrestore', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
This will replace the filestorage:
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar/blobstorage-bar.0/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var
Check that this fits what is in the most recent snapshot::
>>> ls('var/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots')
d blobstorage.0
d blobstorage.1
d blobstorage.2
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.1/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
- blob2.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.2/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
Since release 2.3 we can also restore blob snapshots to a specific date/time.
>>> mod_time_0 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0')
>>> mod_time_1 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.1')
>>> mod_time_2 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.2')
>>> mod_time_0 > mod_time_1
>>> mod_time_1 > mod_time_2
>>> time_string = '-'.join([str(t) for t in datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mod_time_1).timetuple()[:6]])
>>> print system('bin/snapshotrestore %s' % time_string, input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo -D ...
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar -D ...
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups -D ...
This will replace the filestorage:
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Date restriction: restoring state at ...
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.1/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar/blobstorage-bar.1/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.1/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var
The second blob file was only in blobstorage snapshot number 1 when we
started and now it is also in the main blobstorage again.
>>> ls('var/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
- blob2.txt
When repozo cannot find a Data.fs backup with files from before the
given date string it will quit with an error. We should not restore
the blobs then either. We test that with a special bin/repozo
script that simply quits::
>>> write('bin', 'repozo', "#!%s\nimport sys\nsys.exit(1)" % sys.executable)
>>> dontcare = system('chmod u+x bin/repozo')
>>> print system('bin/snapshotrestore 1972-12-25', input='yes\n')
This will replace the filestorage:
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Date restriction: restoring state at 1972-12-25.
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs
ERROR: Repozo command failed. See message above.
ERROR: Halting execution due to error; not restoring blobs.
Restore the original bin/repozo::
>>> write('bin', 'repozo',
... "#!%s\nimport sys\nprint ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])" % sys.executable)
>>> dontcare = system('chmod u+x bin/repozo')
We can tell buildout that we only want to backup blobs or specifically
do not want to backup the blobs.
When we explicitly set backup_blobs to true, we must have a
blob_storage option, otherwise buildout quits::
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... backup_blobs = true
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Installing backup.
Installing backup.
Error: backup_blobs is true, but no blob_storage could be found.
Combining blob_backup=false and only_blobs=true will not work::
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
... backup_blobs = false
... only_blobs = true
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Installing backup.
Installing backup.
Error: Cannot have backup_blobs false and only_blobs true.
Specifying backup_blobs and only_blobs might be useful in case you
want to separate this into several scripts::
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = filebackup blobbackup
... [filebackup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
... backup_blobs = false
... [blobbackup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
... only_blobs = true
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Installing filebackup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/filebackups
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/filebackup-snapshots
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/filebackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/filebackup-full'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/filebackup-snapshot'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/filebackup-restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/filebackup-snapshotrestore'.
Installing blobbackup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstorages
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstoragesnapshots
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/blobbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/blobbackup-full'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/blobbackup-snapshot'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/blobbackup-restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/blobbackup-snapshotrestore'.
Now we test it. First the backup. The filebackup now only backs up
the filestorage::
>>> print system('bin/filebackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/filebackups --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/filebackups
>>> print system('bin/filebackup-snapshot')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/filebackup-snapshots -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/filebackup-snapshots
And blobbackup only backs up the blobstorage::
>>> print system('bin/blobbackup')
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstorages
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstorages/blobstorage.0
>>> print system('bin/blobbackup-snapshot')
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstoragesnapshots
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0
Now test the restore::
>>> print system('bin/filebackup-restore', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/filebackups
This will replace the filestorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/filebackups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
>>> print system('bin/filebackup-snapshotrestore', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/filebackup-snapshots
This will replace the filestorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/filebackup-snapshots to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
>>> print system('bin/blobbackup-restore', input='yes\n')
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstorages to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstorages/blobstorage.0/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var
>>> print system('bin/blobbackup-snapshotrestore', input='yes\n')
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstoragesnapshots to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var
No rsync
If you cannot use rsync and hard links (which may not work on Windows)
you can set ``use_rsync = false``. Then we will do a simple copy.
First it is about time we clean up with extreme prejudice and make
some fresh content:
>>> remove('var') # cleanup from previous runs
>>> mkdir('var')
>>> mkdir('var/blobstorage')
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage', 'blob1.txt', "Sample blob 1.")
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
... only_blobs = true
... use_rsync = false
... """)
One thing we test here is if the buildout does not create too many
directories that will not get used because have set only_blobs=true::
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling blobbackup.
Uninstalling filebackup.
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
Check the output of bin/backup and explicitly test that rsync is
nowhere to be found::
>>> output = system('bin/backup')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage
Try again to see that renaming/rotating keeps working::
>>> output = system('bin/backup')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage
And again to see that for incremental backups no old blob backups are removed::
>>> output = system('bin/backup')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.1 to blobstorage.2.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage
Now a restore::
>>> output = system('bin/restore', input='yes\n')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: Removing /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
Snapshots should work too::
>>> output = system('bin/snapshotbackup')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage
Try again to see that renaming/rotating keeps working::
>>> output = system('bin/snapshotbackup')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage
And again to see that removing old backups works::
>>> output = system('bin/snapshotbackup')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.1 to blobstorage.2.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage
INFO: Removed 1 blob backup(s), the latest 2 backup(s) have been kept.
And the snapshotrestore::
>>> output = system('bin/snapshotrestore', input='yes\n')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: Removing /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
Note that you should not mix backup locations; it is confusing for the
recipe (or at least its authors) when backups end up in the same
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
... location = ${buildout:directory}/var/loc1
... blobbackuplocation = ${buildout:directory}/var/loc1
... snapshotlocation = ${buildout:directory}/var/loc2
... blobsnapshotlocation = ${buildout:directory}/var/loc2
... """)
>>> print system('bin/buildout')
Getting section backup.
Initializing part backup.
Error: These must be four distinct locations:
blobbackuplocation = /sample-buildout/var/loc1
blobsnapshotlocation = /sample-buildout/var/loc2
location = /sample-buildout/var/loc1
snapshotlocation = /sample-buildout/var/loc2
Some of these locations might be an empty string in some cases, which
is probably grudgingly allowed, at least by this particular check.
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
... location =
... blobbackuplocation =
... snapshotlocation =
... blobsnapshotlocation =
... """)
>>> print system('bin/buildout')
Uninstalling backup.
Installing backup.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
zc.buildout 1.5
Script generation in zc.buildout 1.5 could give problems. For the
moment, zc.buildout 1.4.x is used above. We will try 1.5 below.
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... index = http://b.pypi.python.org/simple
... # allow updating to newer versions:
... newest = true
... parts = backup
... versions = versions
... [versions]
... zc.buildout = 1.5.2
... zc.recipe.egg = 1.3.2
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... """)
>>> print system('bin/buildout -t 5')
Setting socket time out to 5 seconds
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/buildout'.
Setting socket time out to 5 seconds
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Now, the most important thing about this test is that a bin/backup
call does not give a python exception due to the script being wrongly
>>> print system('bin/backup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups
Some needed imports:
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> import os
>>> import sys
>>> import time
Just to isolate some test differences, we run an empty buildout once::
>>> ignore = system(buildout)
The simplest way to use it is to add a part in ``buildout.cfg`` like this::
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... """)
Running the buildout adds a backup, snapshotbackup, restore and
snapshotrestore scripts to the ``bin/`` directory and, by default, it
creates the ``var/backups`` and ``var/snapshotbackups`` dirs::
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
>>> ls('var')
d backups
d snapshotbackups
>>> ls('bin')
- backup
- buildout
- fullbackup
- restore
- snapshotbackup
- snapshotrestore
Calling ``bin/backup`` results in a normal repozo backup. We put in place a
mock repozo script that prints the options it is passed (and make it
executable). It is horridly unix-specific at the moment.
>>> write('bin', 'repozo',
... "#!%s\nimport sys\nprint ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])" % sys.executable)
>>> dontcare = system('chmod u+x bin/repozo')
By default, backups are done in ``var/backups``::
>>> print system('bin/backup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups
Full backups are placed there too::
>>> print system('bin/fullbackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups
You can restore the very latest backup with ``bin/restore``::
>>> print system('bin/restore', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups
This will replace the filestorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
You can restore the very latest snapshotbackup with ``bin/snapshotrestore``::
>>> print system('bin/snapshotrestore', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
This will replace the filestorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
You can also restore the backup as of a certain date. Just pass a date
argument. According to repozo: specify UTC (not local) time. The format is
>>> print system('bin/restore 1972-12-25', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups -D 1972-12-25
This will replace the filestorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Date restriction: restoring state at 1972-12-25.
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
Note that restoring a blobstorage to a specific date only works since
release 2.3. We will test that a bit further on.
For quickly grabbing the current state of a production database so you can
download it to your development laptop, you want a full backup. But
you shouldn't interfere with the regular backup regime. Likewise, a quick
backup just before updating the production server is a good idea. For that,
the ``bin/snapshotbackup`` is great. It places a full backup in, by default,
>>> print system('bin/snapshotbackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
Names of created scripts
A backup part will normally be called ``[backup]``, leading to a
``bin/backup`` and ``bin/snapshotbackup``. Should you name your part
something else, the script names will also be different as will the created
``var/`` directories (since version 1.2):
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = plonebackup
... [plonebackup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Installing plonebackup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/plonebackups
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/plonebackup-snapshots
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/plonebackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/plonebackup-full'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/plonebackup-snapshot'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/plonebackup-restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/plonebackup-snapshotrestore'.
Note that the ``restore``, ``snapshotbackup`` and ``snapshotrestore`` script name used when the
name is ``[backup]`` is now prefixed with the part name:
>>> ls('bin')
- buildout
- plonebackup
- plonebackup-full
- plonebackup-restore
- plonebackup-snapshot
- plonebackup-snapshotrestore
- repozo
In the var/ directory, the existing backups and snapshotbackups directories
are still present. The recipe of course never removes that kind of directory!
The different part name *did* result in two directories named after the part:
>>> ls('var')
d backups
d plonebackup-snapshots
d plonebackups
d snapshotbackups
For the rest of the tests we use the ``[backup]`` name again. And we clean up
the ``var/plonebackups`` and ``var/plonebackup-snaphots`` dirs:
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... """)
>>> dont_care = system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
>>> rmdir('var/plonebackups')
>>> rmdir('var/plonebackup-snapshots')
Supported options
The recipe supports the following options, none of which are needed by
default. The most common one to change is ``location``, as that allows you to
place your backups in some system-wide directory like
Location where backups are stored. Defaults to ``var/backups`` inside the
buildout directory.
Number of full backups to keep. Defaults to ``2``, which means that the
current and the previous full backup are kept. Older backups are removed,
including their incremental backups. Set it to ``0`` to keep all backups.
In case the ``Data.fs`` isn't in the default ``var/filestorage/Data.fs``
location, this option can overwrite it.
By default, incremental backups are made. If this option is set to 'true',
bin/backup will always make a full backup.
In rare cases when you want to know exactly what's going on, set debug to
'true' to get debug level logging of the recipe itself. Repozo is also run
with ``--verbose`` if this option is enabled.
Location where snapshot defaults are stored. Defaults to
``var/snapshotbackups`` inside the buildout directory.
Use repozo's zipping functionality. 'true' by default. Set it to 'false'
and repozo will notgzip its files. Note that gzipped databases are called
``*.fsz``, not ``*.fs.gz``. **Changed in 0.8**: the default used to be
false, but it so totally makes sense to gzip your backups that we changed
the default.
Advanced option, only needed when you have split for instance a
``catalog.fs`` out of the regular ``Data.fs``. Use it to specify the extra
filestorages. (See explanation further on).
Having a snapshotrestore script is very useful in development
environments, but can be harmful in a production buildout. The
script restores the latest snapshot directly to your filestorage
and it used to do this without asking any questions whatsoever
(this has been changed to require an explicit 'yes' as answer).
If you don't want a snapshotrestore, set this option to false.
Location of the directory where the blobs (binary large objects)
are stored. This is used in Plone 4 and higher, or on Plone 3 if
you use plone.app.blob. This option is ignored if backup_blobs is
false. The location is not set by default. When there is a part
using plone.recipe.zope2instance, we check if that has a
blob-storage option and use that as default.
Alternative spelling for the preferred blob_storage, as
plone.recipe.zope2instance spells it as blob-storage. Pick one.
Backup the blob storage. This requires the blob_storage location
to be set. If no blob_storage location has been set and we cannot
find one by looking in a plone.recipe.zope2instance part, we
default to False, otherwise to True.
Directory where the blob storage will be backed up to. Defaults
to ``var/blobstoragebackups`` inside the buildout directory.
Directory where the blob storage snapshots will be created.
Defaults to ``var/blobstoragesnapshots`` inside the buildout
Only backup blob storage, not the Data.fs. False by default. May
be a useful option if for example you want to create one
bin/filestoragebackup script and one bin/blobstoragebackup script,
using only_blobs in one and backup_blobs in the other.
Use rsync with hard links for backing up the blobs. Default is
true. rsync is probably not available on all machines though, and
I guess hard links will not work on Windows. When you set this to
false, we fall back to a simple copy (``shutil.copytree`` from
python in fact).
We'll use all options, except the blob options for now::
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... location = ${buildout:directory}/myproject
... keep = 2
... datafs = subfolder/myproject.fs
... full = true
... debug = true
... snapshotlocation = snap/my
... gzip = false
... enable_snapshotrestore = true
... pre_command = echo 'Can I have a backup?'
... post_command =
... echo 'Thanks a lot for the backup.'
... echo 'We are done.'
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/myproject
backup: Created /sample-buildout/snap/my
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
Backups are now stored in the ``/myproject`` folder inside buildout
and the Data.fs location is handled correctly despite not being an
absolute path. Note that the order in which the lines show up here in
the tests may be different from how they appear in reality. This is
because several things conspire in the tests to mess up stdout and
stderr. Anyway::
>>> output = system('bin/backup')
>>> print output
--backup -f /sample-buildout/subfolder/myproject.fs -r /sample-buildout/myproject -F --verbose
Can I have a backup?
Thanks a lot for the backup.
We are done.
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/subfolder/myproject.fs to /sample-buildout/myproject
We explicitly look for errors here::
>>> if 'ERROR' in output: print output
The same is true for the snapshot backup.
>>> output = system('bin/snapshotbackup')
>>> print output
--backup -f /sample-buildout/subfolder/myproject.fs -r /sample-buildout/snap/my -F --verbose
Can I have a backup?
Thanks a lot for the backup.
We are done.
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/subfolder/myproject.fs to /sample-buildout/snap/my
>>> if 'ERROR' in output: print output
Untested in this file, as it would create directories in your root or your
home dir, are absolute links (starting with a '/') or directories in your home
dir or relative (``../``) path. They do work, of course. Also ``~`` and
``$BACKUP``-style environment variables are expanded.
Cron job integration
``bin/backup`` is of course ideal to put in your cronjob instead of a whole
``bin/repozo ....`` line. But you don't want the "INFO" level logging that you
get, as you'll get that in your mailbox. In your cronjob, just add ``-q`` or
``--quiet`` and ``bin/backup`` will shut up unless there's a problem.
In the tests, we do get messages unfortunately, though at least the
INFO level logging is not there::
>>> print system('bin/backup -q')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/subfolder/myproject.fs -r /sample-buildout/myproject -F --verbose
Can I have a backup?
Thanks a lot for the backup.
We are done.
>>> print system('bin/backup --quiet')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/subfolder/myproject.fs -r /sample-buildout/myproject -F --verbose
Can I have a backup?
Thanks a lot for the backup.
We are done.
In our case the ``--backup ...`` lines above are just the mock repozo script
that still prints something. So it proves that the command is executed, but it
won't end up in the output.
Speaking of cron jobs? Take a look at `zc.recipe.usercrontab
<http://pypi.python.org/pypi/z3c.recipe.usercrontab>`_ if you want to handle
cronjobs from within your buildout. For example::
recipe = z3c.recipe.usercrontab
times = 0 12 * * *
command = ${buildout:directory}/bin/backup
Advanced usage: multiple Data.fs files
Sometimes, a Data.fs is split into several files. Most common reason is to
have a regular Data.fs and a catalog.fs which contains the
portal_catalog. This is supported with the ``additional_filestorages``
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... additional_filestorages =
... catalog
... another
... foo/bar
... """)
The additional backups have to be stored separate from the ``Data.fs``
backup. That's done by appending the file's name and creating extra backup
directories named that way::
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups_catalog
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_catalog
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups_another
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_another
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo/bar
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo/bar
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
>>> ls('var')
d backups
d backups_another
d backups_catalog
d backups_foo
d snapshotbackups
d snapshotbackups_another
d snapshotbackups_catalog
d snapshotbackups_foo
The various backups are done one after the other. They cannot be done at the
same time with repozo. So they are not completely in sync. The "other"
databases are backed up first as a small difference in the catalog is just
mildly irritating, but the other way around users can get real errors::
>>> print system('bin/backup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_catalog --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_another --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo/bar --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_catalog
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_another
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo/bar
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups
Same with snapshot backups::
>>> print system('bin/snapshotbackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_catalog -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_another -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo/bar -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_catalog
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_another
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo/bar
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
And a restore restores all three backups::
>>> print system('bin/restore', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_catalog
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_another
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo/bar
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups
This will replace the filestorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_catalog to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_another to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo/bar to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
We fake three old backups in all the (snapshot)backup directories to
test if the 'keep' parameter is working correctly.
>>> next_mod_time = time.time() - 1000
>>> def add_backup(dir, name): # same as in the tests in repozorunner.py
... global next_mod_time
... write(dir, name, 'sample fs')
... # Change modification time, every new file is 10 seconds older.
... os.utime(join(dir, name), (next_mod_time, next_mod_time))
... next_mod_time += 10
>>> dirs = ('var/backups', 'var/snapshotbackups')
>>> for tail in ('', '_catalog', '_another', '_foo/bar'):
... for dir in dirs:
... dir = dir + tail
... for i in reversed(range(3)):
... add_backup(dir, '%d.fs' % i)
>>> ls('var/backups') # Before
- 0.fs
- 1.fs
- 2.fs
>>> print system('bin/backup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_catalog --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_another --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo/bar --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_catalog
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_another
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo/bar
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
>>> ls('var/backups') # After
- 0.fs
- 1.fs
Same for the snapshot backups:
>>> print system('bin/snapshotbackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_catalog -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_another -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo/bar -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/catalog.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_catalog
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/another.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_another
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo/bar
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
INFO: Removed 1 file(s) belonging to old backups, the latest 2 full backups have been kept.
Test disabling the snapshotrestore script. We generate a new buildout
with enable_snapshotrestore set to false. The script should not be
generated now (and buildout will actually remove the previously
generated script).
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... enable_snapshotrestore = false
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Installing backup.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
>>> ls('bin')
- backup
- buildout
- fullbackup
- repozo
- restore
- snapshotbackup
Blob storage
New in this recipe is that we backup the blob storage. Plone 4 uses a
blob storage to store files on the file system. In Plone 3 this is
optional. When this is used, it should be backed up of course. You
must specify the source blob_storage directory where Plone (or Zope)
stores its blobs. When we do not set it specifically, we try to get
the location from the plone.recipe.zope2instance recipe (or a
zeoserver recipe) when it is used::
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... # For some reason this is now needed:
... index = http://b.pypi.python.org/simple
... # Avoid suddenly updating zc.buildout or other packages:
... newest = false
... parts = instance backup
... versions = versions
... [versions]
... # A slightly older version that does not rely on the Zope2 egg
... plone.recipe.zope2instance = 3.9
... mailinglogger = 3.3
... [instance]
... recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
... user = admin:admin
... blob-storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/somewhere
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... """)
We need a mock mkzopeinstance script in the bin directory for the
zope2instance recipe to work:
>>> write('bin/mkzopeinstance', """
... import sys
... import os
... path = sys.argv[2]
... os.mkdir(path)
... os.mkdir(os.path.join(path, 'etc'))
... """)
We run the buildout (and set a timeout as we need a few new packages
and apparently a few servers are currently down so a timeout helps
speed things up a bit):
>>> print system('bin/buildout -t 5') # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Setting socket time out to 5 seconds
Getting distribution for 'plone.recipe.zope2instance==3.9'...
Got plone.recipe.zope2instance 3.9.
Getting distribution for 'mailinglogger==3.3'...
Got mailinglogger 3.3.0.
Uninstalling backup.
Installing instance.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/instance'.
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
>>> ls('bin')
- backup
- buildout
- fullbackup
- instance
- mkzopeinstance
- repozo
- restore
- snapshotbackup
- snapshotrestore
We can override the additional_filestorages location:
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... additional_filestorages =
... catalog ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage/2.fs
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Uninstalling instance.
Installing backup.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
We can override the additional_filestorages blob source location:
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... backup_blobs = True
... additional_filestorages =
... withblob ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage/2.fs ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage2
... withoutblob ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage/3.fs
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups_withblob
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_withblob
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups_withoutblob
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_withoutblob
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_withblob
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_withblob
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
Wrong configurations for additional_filestorages:
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... additional_filestorages =
... wrong ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage foo.fs ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage_foo
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Installing backup.
Installing backup.
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groupdict'
Full cycle tests:
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
... keep = 3
... additional_filestorages =
... foo ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage/foo.fs ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage-foo
... bar ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage/bar.fs ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage-bar
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
>>> ls('bin')
- backup
- buildout
- fullbackup
- instance
- mkzopeinstance
- repozo
- restore
- snapshotbackup
- snapshotrestore
>>> mkdir('var/blobstorage')
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage', 'blob1.txt', "Sample blob 1.")
>>> mkdir('var/blobstorage-foo')
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage-foo', 'blob-foo1.txt', "Sample blob foo 1.")
>>> mkdir('var/blobstorage-bar')
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage-bar', 'blob-bar1.txt', "Sample blob bar 1.")
Test the snapshotbackup first, as that should be easiest.
>>> print system('bin/snapshotbackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar/blobstorage-bar.0
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots')
d blobstorage.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0')
d blobstorage
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo')
d blobstorage-foo.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0')
d blobstorage-foo
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar')
d blobstorage-bar.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar/blobstorage-bar.0')
d blobstorage-bar
Let's try that some more, with a second in between so we can more
easily test restoring to a specific time later.
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage', 'blob2.txt', "Sample blob 2.")
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage-foo', 'blob-foo2.txt', "Sample blob foo 2.")
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage-bar', 'blob-bar2.txt', "Sample blob bar 2.")
>>> print system('bin/snapshotbackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-foo.0 to blobstorage-foo.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage-foo.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-bar.0 to blobstorage-bar.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage-bar.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar/blobstorage-bar.0
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots')
d blobstorage.0
d blobstorage.1
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
- blob2.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.1/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
>>> cat('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage/blob1.txt')
Sample blob 1.
>>> cat('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage/blob2.txt')
Sample blob 2.
>>> cat('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.1/blobstorage/blob1.txt')
Sample blob 1.
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo')
d blobstorage-foo.0
d blobstorage-foo.1
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo')
- blob-foo1.txt
- blob-foo2.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.1/blobstorage-foo')
- blob-foo1.txt
>>> cat('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo/blob-foo1.txt')
Sample blob foo 1.
>>> cat('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo/blob-foo2.txt')
Sample blob foo 2.
>>> cat('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.1/blobstorage-foo/blob-foo1.txt')
Sample blob foo 1.
Now remove an item:
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> remove('var', 'blobstorage', 'blob2.txt')
>>> remove('var', 'blobstorage-foo', 'blob-foo1.txt')
>>> remove('var', 'blobstorage-bar', 'blob-bar1.txt')
>>> print system('bin/snapshotbackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar -F --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-foo.1 to blobstorage-foo.2.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-foo.0 to blobstorage-foo.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage-foo.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-bar.1 to blobstorage-bar.2.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-bar.0 to blobstorage-bar.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage-bar.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar/blobstorage-bar.0
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.1 to blobstorage.2.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots')
d blobstorage.0
d blobstorage.1
d blobstorage.2
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.1/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
- blob2.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.2/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo')
d blobstorage-foo.0
d blobstorage-foo.1
d blobstorage-foo.2
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo')
- blob-foo2.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.1/blobstorage-foo')
- blob-foo1.txt
- blob-foo2.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.2/blobstorage-foo')
- blob-foo1.txt
Let's see how a bin/backup goes:
>>> print system('bin/backup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.0
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar/blobstorage-bar.0
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups')
d blobstorage.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0')
d blobstorage
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups_foo')
d blobstorage-foo.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.0')
d blobstorage-foo
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo')
- blob-foo2.txt
We try again with an extra 'blob':
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage', 'blob2.txt', "Sample blob 2.")
>>> print system('bin/backup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar --gzip
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-foo.0 to blobstorage-foo.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage-foo.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.0
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar
INFO: Renaming blobstorage-bar.0 to blobstorage-bar.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage-bar.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar/blobstorage-bar.0
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../blobstorage.1 /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups')
d blobstorage.0
d blobstorage.1
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
- blob2.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.1/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
Let's check the inodes of two files, to see if they are the same. Not
sure if this works on all operating systems.
>>> stat_0 = os.stat('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage/blob1.txt')
>>> stat_1 = os.stat('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.1/blobstorage/blob1.txt')
>>> stat_0.st_ino == stat_1.st_ino
We could to things differently for the snapshot blob backups, as they
should be full copies, but using hard links they also really are full
copies, so also in this case the inodes can be the same::
>>> stat_0 = os.stat('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage/blob1.txt')
>>> stat_1 = os.stat('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.1/blobstorage/blob1.txt')
>>> stat_0.st_ino == stat_1.st_ino
Now try a restore::
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> print system('bin/restore', input='no\n')
This will replace the filestorage:
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Not restoring.
>>> print system('bin/restore', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups
This will replace the filestorage:
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar/blobstorage-bar.0/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var
>>> ls('var/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
- blob2.txt
With the ``no-prompt`` option we avoid the question::
>>> print system('bin/restore --no-prompt')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar/blobstorage-bar.0/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var
>>> ls('var/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
- blob2.txt
Since release 2.3 we can also restore blobs to a specific date/time.
>>> mod_time_0 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0')
>>> mod_time_1 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.1')
>>> mod_time_0 > mod_time_1
>>> time_string = '-'.join([str(t) for t in datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mod_time_1).timetuple()[:6]])
>>> mod_time_0 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragebackups_bar/blobstorage-bar.0')
>>> mod_time_1 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragebackups_bar/blobstorage-bar.1')
>>> mod_time_0 > mod_time_1
>>> mod_time_0 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.0')
>>> mod_time_1 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.1')
>>> mod_time_0 > mod_time_1
>>> print system('bin/restore %s' % time_string, input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo -D ...
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar -D ...
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups -D ...
This will replace the filestorage:
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Date restriction: restoring state at ...
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/backups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_foo/blobstorage-foo.1/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups_bar/blobstorage-bar.1/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.1/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var
The second blob file is now no longer in the blob storage.
>>> ls('var/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
The snapshotrestore works too::
>>> print system('bin/snapshotrestore', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
This will replace the filestorage:
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.0/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar/blobstorage-bar.0/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var
Check that this fits what is in the most recent snapshot::
>>> ls('var/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots')
d blobstorage.0
d blobstorage.1
d blobstorage.2
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.1/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
- blob2.txt
>>> ls('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.2/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
Since release 2.3 we can also restore blob snapshots to a specific date/time.
>>> mod_time_0 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0')
>>> mod_time_1 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.1')
>>> mod_time_2 = os.path.getmtime('var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.2')
>>> mod_time_0 > mod_time_1
>>> mod_time_1 > mod_time_2
>>> time_string = '-'.join([str(t) for t in datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mod_time_1).timetuple()[:6]])
>>> print system('bin/snapshotrestore %s' % time_string, input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo -D ...
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar -D ...
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups -D ...
This will replace the filestorage:
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Date restriction: restoring state at ...
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_bar to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/bar.fs
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-foo
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_foo/blobstorage-foo.1/blobstorage-foo /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage-bar
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots_bar/blobstorage-bar.1/blobstorage-bar /sample-buildout/var
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.1/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var
The second blob file was only in blobstorage snapshot number 1 when we
started and now it is also in the main blobstorage again.
>>> ls('var/blobstorage')
- blob1.txt
- blob2.txt
When repozo cannot find a Data.fs backup with files from before the
given date string it will quit with an error. We should not restore
the blobs then either. We test that with a special bin/repozo
script that simply quits::
>>> write('bin', 'repozo', "#!%s\nimport sys\nsys.exit(1)" % sys.executable)
>>> dontcare = system('chmod u+x bin/repozo')
>>> print system('bin/snapshotrestore 1972-12-25', input='yes\n')
This will replace the filestorage:
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Date restriction: restoring state at 1972-12-25.
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups_foo to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/foo.fs
ERROR: Repozo command failed. See message above.
ERROR: Halting execution due to error; not restoring blobs.
Restore the original bin/repozo::
>>> write('bin', 'repozo',
... "#!%s\nimport sys\nprint ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])" % sys.executable)
>>> dontcare = system('chmod u+x bin/repozo')
We can tell buildout that we only want to backup blobs or specifically
do not want to backup the blobs.
When we explicitly set backup_blobs to true, we must have a
blob_storage option, otherwise buildout quits::
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... backup_blobs = true
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling backup.
Installing backup.
Installing backup.
Error: backup_blobs is true, but no blob_storage could be found.
Combining blob_backup=false and only_blobs=true will not work::
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
... backup_blobs = false
... only_blobs = true
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Installing backup.
Installing backup.
Error: Cannot have backup_blobs false and only_blobs true.
Specifying backup_blobs and only_blobs might be useful in case you
want to separate this into several scripts::
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = filebackup blobbackup
... [filebackup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
... backup_blobs = false
... [blobbackup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
... only_blobs = true
... """)
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Installing filebackup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/filebackups
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/filebackup-snapshots
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/filebackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/filebackup-full'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/filebackup-snapshot'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/filebackup-restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/filebackup-snapshotrestore'.
Installing blobbackup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstorages
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstoragesnapshots
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/blobbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/blobbackup-full'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/blobbackup-snapshot'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/blobbackup-restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/blobbackup-snapshotrestore'.
Now we test it. First the backup. The filebackup now only backs up
the filestorage::
>>> print system('bin/filebackup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/filebackups --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/filebackups
>>> print system('bin/filebackup-snapshot')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/filebackup-snapshots -F --gzip
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot backup: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/filebackup-snapshots
And blobbackup only backs up the blobstorage::
>>> print system('bin/blobbackup')
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstorages
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstorages/blobstorage.0
>>> print system('bin/blobbackup-snapshot')
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstoragesnapshots
INFO: rsync -a /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0
Now test the restore::
>>> print system('bin/filebackup-restore', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/filebackups
This will replace the filestorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/filebackups to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
>>> print system('bin/filebackup-snapshotrestore', input='yes\n')
--recover -o /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/filebackup-snapshots
This will replace the filestorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Please wait while restoring database file: /sample-buildout/var/filebackup-snapshots to /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs
>>> print system('bin/blobbackup-restore', input='yes\n')
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstorages to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstorages/blobstorage.0/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var
>>> print system('bin/blobbackup-snapshotrestore', input='yes\n')
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstoragesnapshots to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: rsync -a --delete /sample-buildout/var/blobbackup-blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage /sample-buildout/var
No rsync
If you cannot use rsync and hard links (which may not work on Windows)
you can set ``use_rsync = false``. Then we will do a simple copy.
First it is about time we clean up with extreme prejudice and make
some fresh content:
>>> remove('var') # cleanup from previous runs
>>> mkdir('var')
>>> mkdir('var/blobstorage')
>>> write('var', 'blobstorage', 'blob1.txt', "Sample blob 1.")
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
... only_blobs = true
... use_rsync = false
... """)
One thing we test here is if the buildout does not create too many
directories that will not get used because have set only_blobs=true::
>>> print system(buildout) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Uninstalling blobbackup.
Uninstalling filebackup.
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
Check the output of bin/backup and explicitly test that rsync is
nowhere to be found::
>>> output = system('bin/backup')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage
Try again to see that renaming/rotating keeps working::
>>> output = system('bin/backup')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage
And again to see that for incremental backups no old blob backups are removed::
>>> output = system('bin/backup')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
INFO: Please wait while backing up blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.1 to blobstorage.2.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage
Now a restore::
>>> output = system('bin/restore', input='yes\n')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: Removing /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragebackups/blobstorage.0/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
Snapshots should work too::
>>> output = system('bin/snapshotbackup')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage
Try again to see that renaming/rotating keeps working::
>>> output = system('bin/snapshotbackup')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage
And again to see that removing old backups works::
>>> output = system('bin/snapshotbackup')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
INFO: Please wait while making snapshot of blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.1 to blobstorage.2.
INFO: Renaming blobstorage.0 to blobstorage.1.
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage
INFO: Removed 1 blob backup(s), the latest 2 backup(s) have been kept.
And the snapshotrestore::
>>> output = system('bin/snapshotrestore', input='yes\n')
>>> 'rsync' in output
>>> print output
This will replace the blobstorage:
Are you sure? (yes/No)?
INFO: Restoring blobs from /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: Removing /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
INFO: Copying /sample-buildout/var/blobstoragesnapshots/blobstorage.0/blobstorage to /sample-buildout/var/blobstorage
Note that you should not mix backup locations; it is confusing for the
recipe (or at least its authors) when backups end up in the same
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
... location = ${buildout:directory}/var/loc1
... blobbackuplocation = ${buildout:directory}/var/loc1
... snapshotlocation = ${buildout:directory}/var/loc2
... blobsnapshotlocation = ${buildout:directory}/var/loc2
... """)
>>> print system('bin/buildout')
Getting section backup.
Initializing part backup.
Error: These must be four distinct locations:
blobbackuplocation = /sample-buildout/var/loc1
blobsnapshotlocation = /sample-buildout/var/loc2
location = /sample-buildout/var/loc1
snapshotlocation = /sample-buildout/var/loc2
Some of these locations might be an empty string in some cases, which
is probably grudgingly allowed, at least by this particular check.
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... newest = false
... parts = backup
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... blob_storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
... location =
... blobbackuplocation =
... snapshotlocation =
... blobsnapshotlocation =
... """)
>>> print system('bin/buildout')
Uninstalling backup.
Installing backup.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/fullbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotbackup'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/restore'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/snapshotrestore'.
zc.buildout 1.5
Script generation in zc.buildout 1.5 could give problems. For the
moment, zc.buildout 1.4.x is used above. We will try 1.5 below.
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... index = http://b.pypi.python.org/simple
... # allow updating to newer versions:
... newest = true
... parts = backup
... versions = versions
... [versions]
... zc.buildout = 1.5.2
... zc.recipe.egg = 1.3.2
... [backup]
... recipe = collective.recipe.backup
... """)
>>> print system('bin/buildout -t 5')
Setting socket time out to 5 seconds
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/buildout'.
Setting socket time out to 5 seconds
Installing backup.
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/backups
backup: Created /sample-buildout/var/snapshotbackups
Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/backup'.
Now, the most important thing about this test is that a bin/backup
call does not give a python exception due to the script being wrongly
>>> print system('bin/backup')
--backup -f /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs -r /sample-buildout/var/backups --gzip
INFO: Please wait while backing up database file: /sample-buildout/var/filestorage/Data.fs to /sample-buildout/var/backups
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