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Repozo commands

C:\Plone42>.\bin\repozo.exe -- incremental and full backups of a Data.fs file and index.

Usage: C:\Plone42\bin\ [options]

    Exactly one of -B or -R must be specified:

    -B / --backup
        Backup current ZODB file.

    -R / --recover
        Restore a ZODB file from a backup.

    -v / --verbose
        Verbose mode.

    -h / --help
        Print this text and exit.

    -r dir
        Repository directory containing the backup files.  This argument
        is required.  The directory must already exist.  You should not
        edit the files in this directory, or add your own files to it.

Options for -B/--backup:
    -f file
        Source Data.fs file.  This argument is required.

    -F / --full
        Force a full backup.  By default, an incremental backup is made
        if possible (e.g., if a pack has occurred since the last
        incremental backup, a full backup is necessary).

    -Q / --quick
        Verify via md5 checksum only the last incremental written.  This
        significantly reduces the disk i/o at the (theoretical) cost of
        inconsistency.  This is a probabilistic way of determining whether
        a full backup is necessary.

    -z / --gzip
        Compress with gzip the backup files.  Uses the default zlib
        compression level.  By default, gzip compression is not used.

    -k / --kill-old-on-full
        If a full backup is created, remove any prior full or incremental
        backup files (and associated metadata files) from the repository

Options for -R/--recover:
    -D str
        Recover state as of this date.  Specify UTC (not local) time.
        By default, current time is used.

    -o filename
        Write recovered ZODB to given file.  By default, the file is
        written to stdout.

        Note:  for the stdout case, the index file will **not** be restored

Either --backup or --recover is required

C:\Plone42>       By default, current time is used.
'By' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Plone42>   -o filename
'-o' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Plone42>   --output=filename
'--output' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Plone42>       Write recovered ZODB to given file.  By default, the file is

C:\Plone42>       written to stdout.
'written' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Plone42>       Note:  for the stdout case, the index file will **not** be res
'Note:' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Plone42>       automatically.
'automatically.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Plone42>ither --backup or --recover is required
'ither' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.



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